The Tes values
Ensure our customers win.
Have fun.
We take the shot.
We are only as good as our word.
Burn the ships.
Play to Win.
Own everything that you do.
Talent wins games, Teamwork wins Championships.
Progress over Perfection.
Respect is not optional.
Our company values are the driving force behind our “Kick-Ass Culture” and the pillars of our GSD System. These values aren’t just words; they’re the fuel that powers our Clarity, Teamwork, Discipline, and Energy approach. Positive leadership energy is our secret weapon—it’s the unyielding enthusiasm that breathes life into our values.
This isn’t just a culture; it’s a winning formula for excellence, where positive leadership energy is the driving force that makes it all happen.
Client Testimonials
“The part I enjoyed the most working with The Effective Syndicate was the organization and rallying everyone together as a team. Getting the entire shop cleaned up, both indoors and outdoors, was particularly satisfying. As I’m involved in outside operations, it all connected seamlessly. Seeing everyone on board was the best part, as it created a team atmosphere rather than just individualized departments.”
- Corene
“If you’re struggling with the hiring and interview process like I have for years, feeling very uncomfortable with hiring and interviewing, you should definitely reach out to Beau and his team. They will make it a lot easier and more effective, and I’m sure you’ll get the right candidates, just like we did.”
- Jim
“When our practitioner arrived, he immediately began identifying flaws and gaps in our everyday processes, whether on the floor with individual associates’ tasks or in leadership styles and management tactics. He provided training and guidance to large groups in the facility, as well as one-on-one coaching to individuals. Much of his coaching focused on communication, accountability, and leadership development. He also spent a lot of time getting to know individuals’ strengths and weaknesses, building strong trust with team members to maximize their potential.
Chasing past-due orders is no longer the norm. Now, we can pull orders ahead of schedule and have them ready for shipment with ease. We don’t need to do overtime just to stay ahead or keep up. Our SLA or on-time delivery percentage now averages around 98 to 99 percent. Our performance metric charts are definitely looking a lot greener.”
- Brandon
“Prior to Beau coming to our facility, one of the things we struggled with was our leadership’s ability to give us constructive criticism and the feedback we needed to grow. When Beau arrived, he wasn’t afraid to pull you aside and provide that constructive criticism. He was the one who could have those hard conversations with you, giving you the feedback you needed to hear—not necessarily what you wanted to hear, but what you needed to hear. After walking away and having a chance to assess the information he provided, it made you see things from a different perspective.”
- Brian